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Math pointers


The mathematics departments at NMBU, NTNU, UiA, UiB, UiO, UiS, UiT


Ministry of Education
Directorate of Education
Research Council of Norway

The University and College Council


National faculty meetings, including the National Faculty Meeting for Science

The school gate

National center for mathematics in education - The national website for mathematics, for teachers, students and parents
LAMIS – The national team for mathematics in school


Abel Prize

NMF – Norwegian Mathematical Association
DMF – Danish Mathematical Association
SMS – Swedish Mathematical Society
SMY – Suomen matemaattinen yhdistis
ÍSF – Íslenska Íslenska fæðarfélagið
IMU – The International Mathematical Union
IMA – The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
EMS – European Mathematical Society
EMIS – European Mathematical Information Service
AMS – American Mathematical Society
CMS – Canadian Mathematical Society
SIAM – Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
MAA – The Mathematical Association of America

NSF – Norwegian Statistical Association
ASA – American Statistical Association
IMS – Institute of Mathematical Statistics
ISI – International Statistical Institute

Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics

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